
Clipsy moon dsr patches
Clipsy moon dsr patches

clipsy moon dsr patches

Using Dark Hand, you can drain around 7 Humanities.Proceed to defeat Nito after obtaining the Lordvessel, and Patches will change his location to the Firelink Shrine (near the Primordial Serpent towards the graveyard,) where he will sell you a variety of useful items (see shop below.) Drops Proceed through the level and kill Nito to make him appear in Firelink Shrine as a merchant.If you choose not to forgive him he will bribe you with a Twin Humanities, and will begin to laugh. When you climb back out of the pit, go talk to him and he'll ask for your forgiveness.If you already met him in the Catacombs, and he asked for forgiveness, the events are much the same, but he won't ask the cleric question since he already did that in the first encounter.When you get back out of the pit he'll ask if you are cleric, and if you say "Yes" he will become hostile, so answer "No". If you walk straight past him to the ledge he will still kick you down.Answer "No" to avoid his hostility when you get back out of the pit. If it's your first encounter with him, or if he bribed you with a soul in the Catacombs, he'll ask if you're a cleric before kicking you down.Getting pushed into the hole in the Tomb of Giants is actually favorable to you, as that is where you get the Skull Lantern and meet Reah, so forgive poor Patches and praise the sun that you have an item that makes it easier to see more than a foot in front of you. He will talk to you and push you down a hole. He appears soon after the first bonfire you encounter. Patches will change location to the Tomb of Giants after you finish off Pinwheel in the Catacombs.He will not ask if you are a cleric either. If you didn't talk to him before the bridge incident, he will play innocent and bribe you with a Soul of a Lost Undead when you confront him.Answer "Yes", and he will bribe you with one Humanity item. Go back and talk to him after the incident, and he'll ask if it caused you any trouble.Answer his cleric question with "No" to avoid him getting hostile later. If you talk to him before crossing the bridge, he will still trigger the bridge while you are on it.He only does this once so you don't have to kill him in order to proceed. When you cross the bridge he'll pull the lever, making it impossible for you to cross the bridge again, or you'll fall off if you haven't fully crossed it. He will also be in the Catacombs if you have attacked or killed Petrus, or any of Reah's companions. If you venture down to the Catacombs before Reah and her company, Patches will appear in front of the lever for the second spiked bridge, close to the hidden bonfire. He is quite notable for having a strong distaste for clerics, and his counterpart in Demon's Souls had felt the same way about priests.

clipsy moon dsr patches

Patches returns with his deceiving ways to trick you into losing your life and treasures, but will eventually sell you some good cleric gear and other useful items. Have you heard of.Trusty Patches? If ever a man has rubbed me up the wrong way! If he ever comes around again, I swear, I'll have his hide! - Knight Lautrec of Carim

clipsy moon dsr patches

Patches the Hyena (Trusty Patches) is a Character in Dark Souls.

Clipsy moon dsr patches